The creators

Jennifer Welborn, author

Jennifer Welborn has been involved in STEM for more than thirty years as a researcher, teacher, and contributor to science journals and textbooks. As a classroom teacher with over thirty years of experience, she has won the “A World of Difference Teaching Award,” given by the Anti-Defamation League, the Grinspoon Foundation’s Excellence in Teaching award, and the Amherst Regional Middle School educator award.

Jennifer thinks a good children’s story is one that is relatable, has some unexpected twists, humor, and of course, a happy ending. She hopes that young readers of Dr. Rosie Helps the Animals, which is based on the STEM profession of veterinary medicine, will see a model of a professional woman working in a STEM field and a young girl pursuing her STEM interest after viewing that positive role model.





Dr. Rosie Helps the Animals was inspired by a picture of a baby giraffe sent to Jennifer by her husband, a wildlife veterinarian. The baby giraffe had a neck bandage and was successfully treated at a veterinary medical center. This made Jennifer think about other animals who have common afflictions that children experience and became the concept for her book.

Jennifer, who has a B.S. degree in wildlife management, and an M.Ed. in science education, feels strongly about the lack of female representation in many STEM professions which is particularly true of BIPOC women. For Dr. Rosie Helps the Animals, she purposefully created relatable, accessible characters to pay homage to everyday heroes. She hopes her readers see themselves in her book’s characters and are inspired to chase after their dreams.

When she isn’t writing inspiring and thought-provoking children’s books, Jennifer Welborn is a science educator and mother with many interests, including triathlon racing, sewing quilts, playing the flute and piano, and open water swimming. She lives with her family in Western Massachusetts where she enjoys going on hikes with her veterinarian husband and their Italian water dog, Bari. Dr. Rosie Helps the Animals is her debut children’s book.

Rozillia MH, illustrator

Rozillia MH is passionate about art and storytelling through visual designs. For as long as she can remember, she has collected books, comics, and graphic novels. It is through her love of books and knack for learning that she developed an appreciation of different languages and cultures. This was one of her motivators to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in linguistics. She also developed a desire to see the world and has traveled to over ten countries.

Through her travels, she gained a whole new perspective of people and realized there are so many stories not being told. Unfortunately, in fictional storytelling, there is a lack of people of color. So when the opportunity arose to work on and illustrate a story of a young black girl traveling the world and helping animals, she was beyond ecstatic! Dr. Rosie Helps the Animals, her debut picture book, is her dream coming to life.

In addition to her talent and passion for illustrating, Rozillia is pursuing a career in speech and language pathology. It is through this field that she hopes to continue learning how to help children of diverse backgrounds and how to better tell their stories through books and illustrations.

You can see samples of Rozillia’s illustrations: @Rozilliah.
Rozillia is a member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators).

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